Opinions are like armpits - everyone has them

I asked a bunch of female entrepreneurs the other day (via a FB group) - what they thought of the idea of 'fine wine' paired with allowing people to choose their own inspiration to paint (for an upcoming Paint & Sip).

I got a FLOOD of answers.

Which reminds me - as one of my early mentors said - 'Opinions are like armpits, everyone has them' (PG version 😝)

His point, we have to be wary of who's opinions we allow to sway us.

A lot of people responded that they thought asking people to focus on wine education AND painting something - was me asking for too much. A whole lot of them really wanted the cookie cutter approach - to know exactly what they were all going to paint (which was the opposite of my idea of letting people paint from their heart) and another responded she was turned off by the idea of me weaving mindfulness & heart connection into the evening.

Gratefully, one person replied - 'maybe you're doing it perfectly'.

And *that* was what I needed to hear.

That was the message I chose to latch on to.

Because, maybe I am doing it perfectly.

Maybe by turning up - exactly as myself - 100% authentically - and sharing MY passions - my wisdom - my joy... maybe that's what some people really need.

Are all people going to be interest in all of those things?

No - for sure they won't.

But there are people out there looking for exactly what I have to offer. And I've preached in my own marketing programs enough - NICHE down - know your audience - and connect with them.

And be authentically yourself.

Because - you are 100% unique … just like me!

No one sees the world the way that you do ... and no one has the same purpose, the same interests and passions and the same ideas of what success is. And no one can offer to the world exactly what you have to offer.

And the same goes for me.

We are ALL 100% unique. And we all have something amazing to bring to this world.

So no... I won't be doing the cookie cutter approach.

I won't be dumbing it down and just having a crappy $8 bottle of wine there as a cursory after-thought. And I *WILL* be weaving a bit of my mindfulness and heart centred magic into the way that I run my paint & sips.

Because - that's me. These are the things that I love. That bring me joy. That make me happy.
That’s my unique contribution to the world.

Ove the past 3 months, as I've been soul searching and digging through a bit of what my purpose is and what success looks like to me - and how I can give back and make this world a slightly better place by my being in it.

And what I've realised - more than anything - is that I have to live this one precious life as authentically and true to myself as my soul is asking me to.

So - there you go.

So iI’ll never have a production line of art that all looks the same - just so that people ‘know it’s me’ and can pick out my style (not that there is anything wrong with that approach - it’s Just.Not.Me).

And if you choose to workshop or retreat with me - you won’t find a cookie cutter experience. It’s be real - authentic - raw - and hopefully a whole lot of fun.

So - there you go. What a great reminder to be true to myself that I received by posting in that group.

PS -

One amazing and valuable tip I did receive when I asked that question of all of those entrepreneurs - was for me to start a Meetup group to help me connect with my audience. Which is a brilliant idea - and so I have.

So - if you like the idea of some HeART-Full Creations in the future, join my group and plan to join me at an event one day soon!

Yes, we will laugh.

Yes, we will connect to our hearts

Yes, we will enjoy some seriously good wine

and Yes, we will create our own, HeART-Full masterpieces

Can’t wait to see what you create! 🩷


Pause - Breathe - Retreat


Behind this smiling faćade - a pained heart…