Pause - Breathe - Retreat

Hosting a Self-Led Retreat at Home

Ann Marie Grace

When was the last time you properly took some time off, just for you?

I’m not talking about a family holiday - where you (may or may not) have gotten five minutes to yourself. Even a girls weekend - which can be lovely - but may not allow you the time and space to stop, breathe and deeply rest?

Back in February, I enjoyed a luxurious soak in private hot springs, followed by a beautiful massage and connection time with a long-time friend. And it was exquisite. As I enjoyed my massage, I reflected on - when was the last time I did something like this, just for myself?

Years?? Never??

Of course, I go on holidays with my family, and with my husband - which are all delightful and I’m immensely grateful for. But in those, I am always looking to compromise. Putting others' needs before my own… or feeling guilty when I press for my interests. And sometimes the holiday is so full and frantic you feel you need a holiday to recover from your holiday.

As a businesswoman, wife, and mother of school-age children - it’s rare that I give myself permission to take time just for me…

And yet - I know how unbelievably important it is for me to put myself first so that I can fill my tank and give back to others.

- - - - -

Each night as my boys (now 10 & 14) go to bed, I sing them a song and give them a small massage. Not long, only ~5 minutes each, but that time is a special time to connect and for me to freely and selflessly give to them. Those 10 mins equals about 70 mins a week… how often do I consider treating myself to my own massage? Not very often.

I have the money. I could prioritise the time. So why is it so rare for me to selflessly give myself a similar massage treatment?

It’s that we have been taught that taking care of ourselves is selfish rather than a necessity.

But, in fact, there is nothing selfish about self-care. By taking care of myself, I know that I am now in a place to be with others and better meet their needs - because my tank is full.

If it’s been a while since you’ve taken care of yourself… (Or if you’ve never stopped to take care of yourself)… now is the time!

Join me for one of my upcoming half-day retreats; or book yourself a massage! If money is tight, light some candles, run a bath with Epsom salts, and then give yourself a luxurious self-massage… or if you can give yourself a full day, even better!

If you can’t carve out time to get away for a retreat - here are my top tips for hosting your own retreat at home:

1. Set a Date and Communicate

Choose a day when interruptions will be minimal. Inform your family about your plans and explain why this time is important for you. Request their support in giving you the space and quiet you need.

2. Prepare Your Space

Designate a quiet, comfortable area in your home as your retreat space. This could be a spare room, a cozy corner, or even your bedroom. Declutter the area and add elements that promote relaxation, such as:

  • Soft Lighting: Use candles or fairy lights.

  • Comfortable Seating: Arrange cushions, a comfy chair, or a yoga mat.

  • Aromatherapy: Use essential oils like lavender or chamomile in a diffuser.

  • Soothing Sounds: Play calming music or nature sounds.

3. Create a Schedule

Plan a loose schedule that includes a mix of activities to relax and rejuvenate you. Download & print out my sample itinerary -


  • Gentle Yoga and Meditation: Start your day with meditation & gentle yoga to center yourself

  • Healthy Breakfast: Prepare a nutritious meal, such as a smoothie bowl or avocado toast, or a quinoa and peach oatmeal and enjoy it mindfully.


  • Journaling & Contemplation: Spend some time writing in a journal. Reflect on your feelings, aspirations, or simply jot down what comes to mind.

  • Complete my Ikigai & Values exercise


  • Nourishing Lunch: Prepare a light, healthy lunch. A buddha bowl, fresh salad or a bowl of vegetable soup can be perfect. Eat slowly and savour each bite.

  • Meditative Walk: If possible, take a walk in your garden or around your neighbourhood. No headphones; walk intentionally, mindfully observing the sights, sounds and smells around you.


  • Vision boarding session: Reflect on your values and the life you want to create and get creative

  • Creative Activity: Engage in a creative activity like painting, knitting, or mindful colouring; or

  • Enjoy an afternoon of restorative yoga: use bolsters, eye pillow and gentle music


  • Light Dinner: Prepare a simple, light dinner such as soba noodles with tofu or grilled chicken; or a vegetable stir-fry or bowl of soup

  • Evening Soak: Treat yourself to a warm bath with Epsom salts, magnesium flakes or essential oils. Follow up with a skincare routine or give yourself some self-love with a massage and express your gratitude to your body

  • Reflection and Gratitude: End your day with some reflection on the day’s experiences. Write down what you’re grateful for and how the retreat has made you feel.

  • Yoga Nidra or Evening Meditation: Wind down the day with a relaxing meditation or yoga nidra before an early night to bed

Extra Tips for Success:

Disconnect from Technology

Make a conscious effort to disconnect from your phone, social media, and other electronic devices. This day is about reconnecting with yourself, free from external distractions.

Listen to Your Body

Be flexible with your schedule. If you feel the need to rest longer or spend more time on a particular activity, go ahead. The goal is to listen to your body and do what feels best for you.

Embrace Mindfulness

Try to stay present in each activity. Mindfulness during your retreat will enhance the experience, making it more fulfilling and beneficial.

Reflect on Your Experience

At the end of the day, take some time to reflect on your retreat. Consider what you enjoyed most and how it made you feel. Think about ways you can incorporate elements of the retreat into your regular routine.

Final Thoughts

If you are ready to carve out more time for yourself, I would love to help be your guide. Learn more about my HeART-Full retreats here.

Not in Melbourne and can’t join me live? Hosting a self-led retreat at home is a powerful way to prioritise your well-being. By dedicating a day to yourself, you can recharge, reflect, and return to your daily responsibilities with renewed energy and positivity. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. Make it a priority, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to handle the demands of everyday life.

If it’s been a while since you’ve taken care of yourself… now is the time. Whether it’s a full retreat or a one-day self-led retreat at home, investing in yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones.


Breaking Free… With Grace


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