McCrae’s Promise

Two years ago, my husband, Steve and I purchased a beautiful holiday home nestled on the side of Arthur’s Seat National Park overlooking Port Phillip Bay in the (somewhat unknown) bayside suburb of McCrae. Only 45 mins south of our Bayside home, set amidst extraordinary gardens and overlooking both bushland and bay, it was been a great place for us to retreat from ‘real life’.

Last Nov, after I had told my business partner I couldn’t continue our business and then found and subsequently missed out on what I thought was my dream property, Steve pointed out that our McCrae home would make an excellent place use for running retreats.

He suggested the garage would make an excellent space for me to teach yoga and meditation and that we could build an art studio in an unused area under the house.

I was still in a somewhat rigid mindset and lamenting having missed out on this other property at first to be able to look beyond and see all that McCrae had to offer. I felt like it was too far away for me to paint from as my base, and that in order for me to hold Retreats there I would have to stay overnight and therefore there would be too small for clients.

To be frank, I was feeling utterly devastated. This idea that had come from no where, felt like so much more than a house… I could see every aspect of my future - painting, offering wellbeing retreats and workshops, creating a community & hub for creatives.

When I missed out on that property that I felt was so DESTINED to be, it was hard to see how that idea could live any where else.

But, after a week of feeling sad for myself, I picked myself back up and realised the idea to create this meditation, art and retreat space still lived in my heart. I drove down to McCrae and looked at it again with fresh eyes… and I could see that Steve was right.

Not only did the stunning views, and peaceful outlook draw me in, but as Steve had so cleverly pointed out, the space underneath the home was a perfect place for me to paint from. By simply removing a couple corton steel panels, we opened a tremendous amount of light and stunning views across the day… and not only was it perfect for a painting studio; it was large enough to add a further bedroom and ensuite. As a wise counsellor pointed out, the answer was literally right under my nose.

Now the building is underway – and my visions of running boutique, well-being retreats is coming to fruition.

Helping women pause and create space to reconnect to their heart’s whisperings is the underlying area in which I intend to play in the well-being space.

So many of us silence our desires…  And tow the ““expected line” to live a life that others have scripted for us.

Whether that’s staying in a marriage because “marriage is meant to be forever” or pursuing a job or career to make other people proud, or altering how we look in order to fit some perceived idea of societal beauty… I’ve been there. But I’ve also realised that my past doesn’t have to dictate my future… and I’m consciously making choices each and every day to follow my heart.

Step 1 - is making the time and creating the space to open to hearing what’s deep inside.

I’ve spent the past 15+ years breaking through the walls I built the previous 30. Grateful that I was introduced to stillness & meditation in 2008, it has been my mission since, to help ensure others have access to this vital information.

We don’t have to be so disconnected. From ourselves. From our hearts. From others.

This exciting space we’re building at McCrae is all about providing the space for people to reconnect to their hearts.

Not only will I soon have a beautiful - purpose built art studio to paint from, but I am finally ready to share hard earned wisdom and knowledge; the somatic tools, meditation, breath practices and general mindset practices that have helped me to break free from the conditioning that I grew up with.  

This is McCrae’s Promise, to me.

Allowing me to fully step into myself - fully and authentically. To create from joy, and to share HeART-Full retreats, and workshops with others daring to break free from what they thought they knew to live more authentically and joyfully.

Want to join in, or know more about upcoming Retreats & Workshops?


Heartfelt Expansion


When the universe doesn’t deliver…