Your Soul's Unique Report
Get your 50+ page comprehensive report detailing Your Soul's Unique Blueprint.
An intimate, personalised overview of all your unique gifts, strengths and core wounds (areas to heal) you’ve brought into this life.
This report covers three frameworks that will help you understand your uniqueness. Your Astrological Natal Chart, Human Design Bodygraph and the Gene Keys Hologenetic profile.
These three frameworks, synthesized together, provide a rich tapestry of knowledge that helps take your understanding of why your soul is here at this time, to a whole other level.
This holistic report gets at the very heart of what your soul has come to do in this lifetime.
When you purchase this product, you will be asked to enter your date, time and your location of birth. If you don’t have the exact time, choose as close as possible (morning - i.e., 6am, noon, afternoon 6pm etc).
Your report will be delivered to your inbox within 1 business day of purchase.
Get your 50+ page comprehensive report detailing Your Soul's Unique Blueprint.
An intimate, personalised overview of all your unique gifts, strengths and core wounds (areas to heal) you’ve brought into this life.
This report covers three frameworks that will help you understand your uniqueness. Your Astrological Natal Chart, Human Design Bodygraph and the Gene Keys Hologenetic profile.
These three frameworks, synthesized together, provide a rich tapestry of knowledge that helps take your understanding of why your soul is here at this time, to a whole other level.
This holistic report gets at the very heart of what your soul has come to do in this lifetime.
When you purchase this product, you will be asked to enter your date, time and your location of birth. If you don’t have the exact time, choose as close as possible (morning - i.e., 6am, noon, afternoon 6pm etc).
Your report will be delivered to your inbox within 1 business day of purchase.
Get your 50+ page comprehensive report detailing Your Soul's Unique Blueprint.
An intimate, personalised overview of all your unique gifts, strengths and core wounds (areas to heal) you’ve brought into this life.
This report covers three frameworks that will help you understand your uniqueness. Your Astrological Natal Chart, Human Design Bodygraph and the Gene Keys Hologenetic profile.
These three frameworks, synthesized together, provide a rich tapestry of knowledge that helps take your understanding of why your soul is here at this time, to a whole other level.
This holistic report gets at the very heart of what your soul has come to do in this lifetime.
When you purchase this product, you will be asked to enter your date, time and your location of birth. If you don’t have the exact time, choose as close as possible (morning - i.e., 6am, noon, afternoon 6pm etc).
Your report will be delivered to your inbox within 1 business day of purchase.