Joy Surrounds

This painting is my last of the abstract expression, palette knife series created for the Rebel Hearts exhibition.

It came after the grief, after the hope, after the confusion, after the excitement and after the heartfelt expansion I felt.

I let everything out of me (after this mirror meditation) and I had poured out all my grief and devastation into Glitter in the Muck.

What was left was a heart full joy. As I chose my colour palette - I chose colours that made me feel uplifted, light and airy.

As I painted, I felt all of the excitement and joy in stepping fully into this new direction.

Not only embracing myself as an artist, but also stepping back into my knowledge and my voice in guiding people towards ore wellness and wellbeing through HeART-Full retreats and workshops; connecting the passions that bring me joy - creativity, meditation, fine wine, self-care - all weaved into a unique offering that my life has brought me to at this point in life.

The bright colours in this painting radiate - for me - total joy.

I love this painting so much that I have used it as the backdrop for my website, and my socials. It serves as a reminder of the great, happy and joyous expression of life that I wish to evoke in my daily life and inject into the lives I cross. By choosing to keep it front of mind in all of my coming and going online, it’s a simple reminder to be true to myself. To love the path. To trust the path. To surrender to the path - and first and foremost find joy in this life. πŸ’œπŸ©·


Happiness is a Bouquet of Flowers


Cacophony of Emotions