Ikigai - That which makes life worth living

Hi and welcome!! I’m excited for you that you’re here. :)

It means you’re ready to deeply reflect on what lights you up – so you can take small steps to leading a more vibrant, heart-full, purpose driven life!  Go you!

A few years ago I stumbled across the concept of Ikigai - a Japanese concept of understanding what gives us our sense of purpose and reason for living.

Your Ikigai is the sweet spot between:

  • What you love

  • What you’re great at

  • What the world wants; and

  • What the world is willing to pay for.

    Where that all coalesces is your Ikigai – that which makes life worth living.

I was updating my own Ikigai recently* – when it occurred to me that it was just as important to reflect on & remember what doesn’t work for me. Areas that I’m not as strong in and/or prefer to avoid as they don’t light me up (or worse, snuff my light).

So I’ve updated an old template of mine to create this new one – helping you get crystal clear on ‘what makes life worth living’ (the definition of our Ikigai)… as well as reflecting on the little things that may create hurdles, challenges or discomfort (un-ease) in your life’s journey.

When you download the free editable template, I’ve also provided you an example of what it can look like when it’s filled out (the example is my 2024 Ikigai.

PS – good to note – Ikigai is mostly for those in the working stage of life and great for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. As you reflect, bear in mind –

  • Discovering what the world wants may require you to get out and do some market research – particularly if you’re looking to make a career move, go out on your own on a venture, or are just starting your working (or just coming back after a long break);

  • Choosing a problem to solve doesn’t need to be grand or disruptive on a global scale, just life changing for your unique audience; and

  • Brainstorm – remember - ‘what you love’ isn’t just work related… it’s what lights you up and therefore, what you need to create space for in your life. It might include current hobbies… or past areas of interest that you haven’t recently created space for - but maybe should!

  • Most importantly, HAVE FUN! Set aside some quiet, contemplative space. Set the scene - away from family, work, pets. Maybe light a candle, play some soft music (maybe some 40Hz Binaural Beats like this) and place your hands on your heart. Sit up straight, and start by taking some nice, full breaths to allow yourself to settle in. Then, once you’re ready, let the internal wisdom flow from within!


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