Connect to Your Heart -
Boutique Women’s Retreat

What is the quiet whispering of your heart asking of you?

When we live a life in alignment with our heart’s calling - our days are filled with more joy, ease & connection.

But for too many of us, we’ve turned away from what our heart is asking of us…

We stay in unfulfilling careers, unfulfilling relationships and/or live distinctly disconnected from what our heart is encouraging us to do.

I know only too well myself…

One day I asked myself, ‘What is this telling my kids about what they should expect for themselves in life’?

And that’s when everything shifted…

Over the past 16 years, I’ve turned to meditation, breath-work and deep reflection to reconnect to my own heart’s inner callings …

this self-work has allowed me to be brave enough to break free…

We each make repressive life decisions throughout our lives. From a young age societal, religious and family pressures of how we’re meant to be and act in this world shape the decisions we make.

Case in point - at the age of 21, despite having loved art all of my life and studied Fine Arts at University, I stepped away from my heart’s calling to do what I thought was expected of me.

I took a deeply unfulfilling job working in a management consulting firm, married into a deeply unfulfilling relationship that I knew wasn’t right for me and went on to pursue the deeply held constructs of what I had internalised as equating a ‘successful life’.

Unsurprisingly, I suffered from persistent depression from my late teens through my early 30’s.

Gratefully, 16 years ago I was introduced to the power of the breath & to the concept of the monkey mind … and that has changed everything for me.

Through a deep exploration of self-study and connection through yoga, meditation, breath-work, reflection, contemplation & time - I’ve been able to re-connect to my heart & break free from the perceived expectations and self-limiting constraints I had placed on my life.

I always knew my heart was asking me to show up in this life differently…

It would be my honour to share some of the practices & techniques I’ve learned, and provide you the support & space you need… because it’s never too late to show up differently in this life.

If your heart is calling you in another direction - this retreat may be the brave step you need to take…

Here’s what I’ve learned…

When we fully listen and embrace the quiet whispers of our heart and authentically live from that place - our life FLOWS.

We wake up excited for each day to start again and we emit joyous energy to the lives that we touch.

How good is that?!!

We can create the life our soul has come here to experience.

But we have to be willing to take that first brave step and say yes to our heart...

This retreat is your first brave step.

You will have the supportive space to listen intently to your heart’s whisperings; calling you towards the life that quite possibly you’ve not even allow yourself to dream of…

I would be deeply honoured to share some of the practices, & techniques I’ve learned to help you connect back to your heart.

Join me for an unforgettable journey back to your heart…
Four days for your mind and body to reset.
Four days where your daily responsibilities are no where to be found!

Space to deeply rest & reflect and uncover the clarity required to step boldly forward.

Register your interest to hear when I release dates for my next Connect to Your Heart Retreat

In this intimate women’s retreat, we create space from our daily lives to pause, connect, rest, reflect, create (and play).

You’ll be nourished with amazing food, extraordinary new friendships and *time* - and have no commitments other than to yourself.

This retreat is all about expanding our hearts and breaking free from the 'shoulds’ and ‘expectations’ we’ve bought into, so we can create the lives our hearts are beckoning us towards.

Are you ready to grab a blank canvas and join me on this life-changing journey back to your heart?

Nestled amidst breathtaking natural surrounds of bush and bay; we’ll embark on an unforgettable journey back to your heart.

An intimate group of extraordinary women ready to shift forwards in this nourishing, heart-opening journey.

You’ll find space to pause, breathe, rest, connect and feel deeply nourished and supported as you move beyond the logical mind and open your heart to possibilities you either haven’t considered, or dared to dream.

With every moment catered and planned for - simply arrive, unwind, be nourished and lead back to your heart through reflective inquiry, HeART-full play and creativity, movement and healing sessions.

  • Start each day with a guided morning meditation and a gentle, mindful & breath-based yoga session

  • Morning wellbeing, contemplative and creative sessions

  • Indulge in nourishing, wholesome meals

  • Recharge with plenty of free time

  • Be nourished with a relaxing 1:1 treatment and restorative afternoons

  • End each day with connection & healing sessions

Leave your retreat feeling not only restored and nourished, but also clear on your intentions and with a clear plan for the next steps you’ll be taking to move towards your heart’s calling.

Included in Your Retreat

  • Deep & Meaningful Connections

    Deeply connect to your own heart’s longings & connect with & be intimately supported by other extraordinary woman similarly seeking to move back towards callings of teir own hearts.

  • Deeply Nourishing Restorative Practices

    Throughout each day and the week, we offer deeply nourishing guided meditations and gentle, mindful & breath-based yoga sessions. You’ll learn practical & invaluable tools that cultivate a deep sense of connection & harmony between mind, body and spirit.

  • Restorative & Healing Sessions

    Enjoy daily restorative sessions (gentle guided movement and deep, integrated rest) that will help settle your nervous system and help you both open, connect and expand your heart.

  • Nourishing & Delicious Food

    Indulge in nourishing, wholesome meals lovingly prepared (& if required, tailored for your dietary needs). Our menu is crafted to help reduce toxins and bring you back into a balanced state - with clear mind

  • HeART-Full Wellbeing & Creative Sessions

    Weaved into the retreat are whole-hearted wellbeing, contemplative and HeART-Full creative sessions that help you get clearer on your path so that you can take purposeful steps towards greater connection and purpose in life.

  • Free Time to Rest, Contemplate & Explore

    Recharge with plenty of free time - whether to journal, mindfully colour or draw; explore bush or bay walks that awaken your senses and reconnect you with nature's healing powers…. or to simply rest.

  • Nourishing Treatments

    Choose how you liked to be nourished. Select from a range of healing session that you will enjoy in our private treatment room.

  • Beautiful Accommodation

    Choose from private or twin share accommodations (first come) in our light-filled, spacious retreat space where every rooms showcases garden, bush and bay views.

  • Arrival Gifts & Follow Up

    Homemade and luxurious little extras on arrival along with a parting program & follow up group connection call supporting you as you continue your journey out of our retreat cocoon and back into the world